Tuesday, December 18, 2007

It Was You

But the blame doesn't rest completely with First Coralville; ultimately, the resposibility lies with our government, and society itself. Because it was you that elected the politicians that allowed this stupid crisis to happen, and continue to sit idly while victims like me lose our American Dream.

But it's not too late to make amends: contact your local elected officials and demand that they do something to alleviate our suffering. Demand an end to ARMs, and demand subprime do-overs. If we don't act now, the entire economy will collapse, and people like me -- and my children, and my dirtbikes -- will be out on the streets looking for a new place to live. Maybe in your neighborhood.

In closing, I have two questions:

Do you really want that on your conscious?

Also, do you have any good tips on starting a flood?