Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Shut Down The CIA

There are three possibilities here, none of them reassuring. If the CIA doesn't make or keep transcripts of its interrogations of terrorists, the agency is more incompetent than we could have imagined. That seems inconceivable. If the September 11 Commission asked for transcripts and the CIA pretended not to have them, that would be far more serious than the alleged withholding of the video tapes. And if, as seems possible from Zelikow's memo, the Commission failed to obtain transcripts (or video tapes) because it never asked for them, then the Commission was more inept, and its report less reliable, than we had believed.

One more observation: regardless of whether it "withheld" the video tapes or transcripts, the CIA obviously was not fully forthcoming and helpful to the Commission.

And did I mention that the 9/11 commission was a joke?