Sunday, May 04, 2008

Just Ordinary. Move Along Now...

Doth protest a bit much. NYT’s Caucus

“I do think one of the ironies of the past two or three weeks is this idea that Michelle and I are elitist, intellectual pointy-head types. The fact is our lives more closely approximate the lives of the average voters than any of the other candidates,” he said. “We didn’t recognize the caricature that was being painted of us over the last couple of weeks.”

Sorry, in case you didn’t figure it out, that was Obama. It’s a little ironic, seeing as he’s been trying to dodge the political inexperience thing, but is now eager to highlight ordinariness. Also somewhat … how to put this … awkward with the truth, as the average voter didn’t attend either Princeton, Columbia or Harvard, and didn’t make $4.2 million last year or $991,296 the year before.