Saturday, June 28, 2008


I have mentioned only the current cases in which periodical publications have
been prosecuted, in the strange new world of “Kafkanada” -- where you can be
tried for the same imaginary “hate crimes” in any or all federal and provincial
jurisdictions, simultaneously or sequentially. A single complaint by any reader
anywhere is enough to launch a secret inquiry. The target has no right to
confront his accuser, and will not at first even be told who he or she

Truth is no defence, the absence of harm is no defence, there are no
rules of evidence -- due process is entirely subverted. The inquisitors of these
kangaroo courts may ultimately reach any “judgement” they please, after months
or years of playing cat-and-mouse with their selected victim.

Protestant minister in Alberta was, for instance, recently ordered to publicly
renounce his Christian beliefs, as well as pay a big lump sum to the
anti-Christian activist who had prosecuted him,