Friday, September 12, 2008

More OExcellent Executive Campaign Running Experience. Check.

But it turns out it's a lot dumber than that:

The reason he doesn't send email is that he can't use a keyboard because of the relentless beatings he received from the Viet Cong in service to our country. . . . McCain's severe war injuries prevent him from combing his hair, typing on a keyboard, or tying his shoes.

Oops. Another unforced error from the Obama campaign, which seems to have had a lot of those lately. The above is from 2000 -- don't these people know how to use Google? Or NEXIS? Or something?

UPDATE: Ouch: "It's extraordinary that someone who wants to be our president and our commander in chief knows how to send an e-mail ...but not how to do a five-minute Google search." Or even how to hire someone who can . . . .

ANOTHER UPDATE: On that note, reader Amy Lopez notes that Obama was recently touting his experience managing his campaign as evidence of his executive ability. That argument isn't looking as strong after the past couple of weeks.

Well, let's see. Run against a woman; call her a pig with lipstick. Check.

And continue the allegory by calling the old guy a stinky fish. Check.

Oh, and since he's handicapped and can't use a keyboard, mock that too. Check.

OMoron that would resign from the race if he had an ounce of self-awareness. Check.

Time for the InTrade betting on when the OMessiah will be replaced. Maybe the Palin versus Hillary matchup will come yet this election cycle.