Tuesday, September 23, 2008

O's "Remarkable Success"

clipped from proteinwisdom.com

All a very fancy way of saying that Ayers, with the help of his front man, Obama, was using grant money to turn schools into propaganda factories for Howard Zinn’s version of American History — without any concern whatever to improvement in test scores or the like, which pedestrian concerns Mr Ayers likely looked at as bourgeois adherence to a failed system that wasn’t addressing the real issues: that of changing the American political system by way of churning out activist soldiers to agitate for change based on racial and class grievances that are, thanks to the failures of the education system Mr Ayers presumed to steer, self-fulfilling.

Still, from another perspective, perhaps the CAC was a remarkable success — training, as it must have, the next generation of “community organizers,” race pimps, class warriors, and apologists for all manner of attacks on the US from within and from abroad.