Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Destruction OAdministration

clipped from www.redstate.com

So while the CBO projects that current policies will yield deficits of roughly 1 percent of GDP by 2019, Orszag anticipates they will be 5 times higher. And that’s after Obama scrubs the federal budget line by line to cut our waste, after he restores economic growth, after he introduces extraordinary new efficiencies to health care, after he restores the solvency of our entitlement programs, and after he fixes the educational system and America’s crumbling infrastructure.

In other words, once Obama has delivered us a better world, the budget will look far, far worse than we think possible today.

Hopefully Orszag, Larry Summers, Christina Romer, and the rest of the economic team is asked whether they’re playing fast and loose with the data, or whether they really believe Obama has a plan to destroy our economy.