Sunday, February 08, 2009


Having come from the federal sector and now retired, I can say that the on an equal job basis government is, at best, 65% as efficient as their private counterparts. The extreme overhead on federal workforce time and need for accountability drain money, reduce efficiency and drag out projects.

Mind you, Congress exempts itself from the very same health, safety and workforce regulation they impose on others... so there is a coccoon effect where they think they way they can order their staff around is how the rest of the world works... or the rest of the federal government works.
You are the best judge of spending money. It takes government to really create a huge and intractable problem.
I can and do blame government for changing the accounting regulations and putting loan quotas so that money gets pushed out of the door in non-sound ways in the first place... and those regulations are *still* on the books. The source of the problem has gone un-fixed.