Saturday, May 09, 2009

O Duce's Lapdogs

That sure didn't take long! The very next day after Obama told Journalists to stress the "significant" nature of budget cuts, the Detroit Free Press obliges wholeheartedly. That's ignoring, of course, that $17 billion in budget cuts weigh little against a $3,400 billion budget that adds about $2,000 billion to the national debt this year alone!
That sure didn't take long! The very next day after Obama told Journalists to stress the "significant" nature of budget cuts, the Detroit Free Press obliges wholeheartedly. That's ignoring, of course, that $17 billion in budget cuts weigh little against a $3,400 billion budget that adds about $2,000 billion to the national debt this year alone!
So yeah - that $17 billion isn't much. Of course, the media lap dogs took to their keyboards and did their master's bidding for him.