Wednesday, July 01, 2009

AGW Under Fire From Giant Proton Synchrotron

clipped from

You’ve probably all heard of Svensmark and the Galactic Cosmic Ray (GCR) to cloud cover modulation theory by now. Lot’s of warmists say it is “discredited”. However, CERN in Switzerland isn’t following that thinking, and after getting some encouraging results in the CLOUD06 experiment, they have funded a much larger and more comprehensive CLOUD09 experiment. I figure if it is “discredited”, a bunch of smart guys and gals like CERN wouldn’t be ramping up the investigation. There’s also word now of a new correlation:


Correlation recently reported between solar/GCR variability and temperature in Siberia from glacial ice core, 30 yr lag (ie. ocean currents may be part of response)


Download Kirkby’s Slide show (Large 7.8 MB PDF, be patient)

Backup Copy on WUWT server: Kirkby_CERN_slideshow09

Heh. Follow the links and download Jasper Kirkby's full slide set. It's absolutely devastating and only includes the 2006 trial data so far. This and the next few years should prove VERY interesting at CERN's PS complex.