Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Already Marked "YES"

President Zelaya was elected democratically in 2006.
Then he started hanging out with his new buddy Hugo and – surprise, surprise – his ideology started to morph into something akin to socialism, disguised, of course, as democracy: as he defines it, “the rule of the people.” Zelaya then decided – obviously at Chavez’ urging – that he needed to stay in power longer than his 4-year term allowed in order to bring his plans to completion. He decided to hold a vote for the “Cuarta Urna” (in essence, an illegal referendum, set to take place this past Sunday) in order to give the people the option of re-electing him next year – something strictly forbidden by the Honduran constitution. The tide of public opinion had already begun to turn against Zelaya when boxes of already-marked “YES” votes were found just days before the vote was scheduled to take place. Then the whole country seemed to turn against him… The whole country, that is, except the poor whose votes he’d bought.