Tuesday, August 04, 2009

The Sad Truth ...

Imagine car repair shops having to go through a 10-year approval process — as pharmaceutical companies must — before offering a service that the government will then provide to millions of people as a “right.” Then ask what the response would be if some people broke with the consensus and said that car repairs were a service to be paid for. They would be shouted down as immoral — while people demanded that their insurance pay for oil changes and ripped seats.
Congress would pass more programs. Prices would quadruple, and car insurance would become a crushing expense.

Paul Krugman doesn’t note either that before our government entered the medical system, when healthcare was not regarded as a right but a product traded freely on the open market, doctors and hospitals competed to give the best service at the lowest possible prices. What were the results? Americans were almost universally able to pay for good healthcare.

... is that socialist car "care" is coming too.

Another great post by Ray.