Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Subtle Signals

Inside the Pakistani Army and the
intelligence service, which is known as the ISI, it is an article of
faith among some officers that the United States is deceiving them, and
that it will replay 1989.

If that happens, some Pakistanis
argue, India will fill the void in southern Afghanistan, leaving
Pakistan surrounded by its longtime enemy. So any talk of exit
strategies is bound to reaffirm the belief of some Pakistani officials
that they have to maintain their contacts with the Taliban — their
hedge against Indian encroachment.

So the bright lights at the White House have Obama preview his Afghan strategy in a joint press conference with the Indian Prime Minister, prior to hosting the PM as the guest of honor at Obama's first state dinner.  Geez, those are pretty subtle signals; I wonder how they might affect Paki paranoia?