Monday, February 15, 2010


Here in Minnesota, we've been out of the headlines for a while. Others have been bearing the brunt of a winter that is also pretty formidable here. I heard on the radio this morning that in Minneapolis, we have more snow on the ground than we've seen for a number of years. I don't think anyone claims that we're getting a lot of snow because it's so warm. The Minneapolis Star Tribune highlights a Wisconsin farmer who built a snow house in his back yard, measuring 58 feet long, 26 feet wide and 11 feet tall. This is a photo of the interior; it brings back memories of my youth. Back in South Dakota, we liked to dig snow caves, although admittedly they were never quite this large. Click to enlarge:


Once upon a time, science told us that nature is powerful and we humans are relatively puny. That's a lesson that many seem to be re-learning.