Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Off With Both

clipped from

If you've noticed that socialism is emasculating, you won't be surprised by this tale of terror from Britain's socialized healthcare:

A patient lost a testicle during an operation because the surgeon cut it off by mistake, a General Medical Council (GMC) hearing has been told.

Dr Sulieman Al Hourani was only supposed to cut out a cyst, but removed the whole right testicle instead.

The reason British doctors have names like Sulieman Al Hourani is that it isn't worth it to go through the rigors of medical school just to become a government slave. So they import doctors from the Third World. Fortunately, most don't try to car bomb airports.

If they start cutting them both off under ObamaCare, we'll know it isn't a mistake, but the latest population control scheme by BHO's Science Czar John Holdren.