Monday, May 03, 2010

O Amereffacing

But Obama chose instead (as he did last year) to depart from only that part of the tradition that involves self-deprecating humor. As the Washington Post reports, "except for a mild joke pegged to his falling approval ratings, Obama mostly spared Obama during his 14-minute stand-up routine." By contrast, "Obama went all Don Rickles on a broad range of topics and individuals: Vice President Biden and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, presidential advisers David Axelrod and Rahm Emanuel, the news media, Jay Leno, and Republicans Michael Steele, Scott Brown, John McCain and Sarah Palin."

As has often been the case, Obama's ungracious approach to the event stands in marked contrast with that of his predecessors. At the height of the Whitewater scandal, President Clinton told the audience: "I am delighted to be here tonight, and if you believe that, I have some land in northwest Arkansas I'd like to sell you."