Wednesday, November 19, 2003

FBI's Atta Ass Ablutions Spotted In Prague

Don't worry, there is no evidence whatsoever here that the FBI and CIA are trying to cover their asses about 911. And absolutely, positively no possibility that Saddam is linked to 911. Absolutely positively not. None whatsoever. Iron clad shut and closed case. No sane person would suspect such a thing -- unless they actually had a brain:
The Czechs reviewing these visits in retrospect further assumed that Atta's business in Prague was somehow related to his activities in the United States, given that large sums of laundered funds began to flow to the 9/11 conspiracy in June 2000, after Atta left Prague. Even more ominous, if the BIS's subsequent identification of Atta in Prague was accurate, then some part of the mechanism behind the activities of hijacker-terrorists may have been based in Prague at least until mid April 2001.

Czech intelligence services could not solve this puzzle without access to crucial information about Atta's movements in the United States, Germany, and other countries in which the plot unfolded, but it soon became clear that such cooperation would not be forthcoming. Even after al-Ani was taken prisoner by U.S. forces in Iraq in July 2003 and presumably questioned about Atta, no report was furnished to the Czech side of the investigation. "It was anything but a two-way street," a top Czech government official overseeing the case explained. "The FBI wanted complete control. The FBI agents provided us with nothing from their side of the investigation."

Without those missing pieces -- including cell phone logs, credit card charges, and interrogation records in the FBI's possession -- the jigsaw puzzle remains incomplete. [Emphasis added.]
Oh, and the major media apparently can't find their asses with both hands tied behind their back. But I speak only as an observer with a pulse. YOU NEED TO READ THIS STORY.