Monday, December 08, 2003

Anti-Semitism Reprise (Part 45779)

It turns out that Pejman has identified that ala Nietzsche, there is "much stupidity to forget" regarding anti-semitism and Brian Leitner is working on a monopoly:
It is amusing that Leiter, a devoted Chomskyite, apparently forgets that Chomsky is, by training, a linguist. As such, one cannot help but think that if Chomsky really wanted to set up a relative comparison in his comment, he would have had the sophistication with language to do so. All of this makes Leiter's whitewashing of Chomsky's statement quite laughable, and reading a "comparison" into Chomsky's statement where Chomsky didn't even bother to set up a comparison himself is the height of either (a) dishonest rhetoric, or (b) an inability to read, and comprehend English.

Perhaps even this doesn't convince Leiter as to the holes in his logic. So let's try a thought experiment, courtesy of the debate engaged on this issue by the worthy and masterful Enthymeme (follow the first link in the post). Supposing that I said the following:
Anti-black prejudice scarcely exists now, though it did in the past.
Now, I have no doubt that Leiter would scream with rage at this remark. But what if my comments were defended by faithful Pejmanesque acolyte Nairb Retiel, who--eager to play Luke Skywalker to my Yoda-- blithely explains that compared to the past, which included black slavery, Jim Crow laws, "separate but equal," and lynchings, my statement is true? Would that satisfy Leiter? Doubtful. Nor should it--of course there remains prejudice against blacks, and what's more, I didn't set up a comparison or a relative statement in my hypothetical remarks. It would be thoroughly disingenuous for Nairb Retiel to do so, and to therefore whitewash my remarks. [Emphasis added]
A thing of beauty, no? DEFINITELY A RTWT...