Saturday, December 06, 2003

Crinkle, Crinkle, Little Fascifist

Get out your tinfoil hat for A Mystery, Wrapped in a Riddle, Stuffed in a Turkey. But don't worry about the glare when you put them under a light -- the fascifist conspiracists are really quite normal. Doesn't EVERYONE make crinkling noises in the breeze? Who could deny it???

UPDATE: And get this, a reporter actually ASKED this question about Bush's Baghdad Turkey trip: "Q What are the legalities of filing a fraudulent flight plan?"!!! Yuppers. This is so incredibly hilarious! The big press doesn't even seem to have caught on that Bush also spent part of his time there meeting with reps of the Iraqi Governing Council and getting a status update from the Coalition commanders! This question is actually the equivalent of complaining FDR didn't announce his routes to meeting with Churchill and Stalin in WWII.

The big press can only be described as insensate cubed.