Tuesday, March 16, 2004

The Saviour -- In Need of Salvation?

No, I'm not talking about the Passion of the Christ. Lee Harris raises stunning questions:
Americans must grasp the full implications of the Spanish election. Democracy did not save Spain, and it will not save civilization. Instead, as Sunday's election in Spain showed with blinding clarity, democracy, like Jumbo jets and box-cutters, can be used by the enemies of civilization to achieve their objectives -- one of which is to discredit parliamentary democracy for the ease with which wicked men can twist it to their will.

Democracy will not save us from terrorism; democracy is rather one of the many infinitely precious things that must itself be saved from terrorism. Americans who are willing to die to bring democracy to people who lack it, must ask themselves after last Sunday what is the point of their immense sacrifice if a democracy like Spain's can be so easily intimidated by an act of catastrophic terror into betraying the cause of civilization, and rallying to the side of its enemies?

These are not pleasant questions to contemplate; and that is all the more reason we must steel ourselves to contemplate them. The world changed on Sunday, and we owe it to future generations to recognize this bitter truth as quickly as possible.
READ THE WHOLE THING. It's the first post-311 classic over on the right...

UPDATE: Now the French are under seige. My odds are 3-1 that the headscarf ban never goes into effect. The puppet dance begins in earnest...

ANOTHER UPDATE: Totten claims to be less pessimistic than Harris -- but you can tell his gears at least have some lint in them...