Monday, March 15, 2004

Third Wave Ho

Steyn once more points out the obvious: "they'll blow it up anyway." And reminds us he can see the future of Europe. Meanwhile, Sensing points out that we just entered the "third wave" and Europe can count on further disciplinary action now that its surrender monkey liberal guilt has been exposed.

Whew. With the people of northern Iran in revolt -- with virtually no Western press coverage (gotta focus on how awful Iraq is doncha know) -- it looks like the "phoney war" may be showing long-awaited signs of closure.

Finally, David Warren relays the question: "Before we waste another drop of blood trying to create democracies in the Middle East, shouldn't we reflect a bit on how easily democracy in Spain was subverted by terrorists?"

And if 911 caused you not to sleep, the "third wave" will likely make you long for the good old days of insomnia...