Sunday, July 18, 2004

No Such Thing As Al-Qaeda?

Wretchard on Warren for the take you really need to read:

One the most most striking things about the Global War on Terror is how closely it's resolution is linked with the longest standing issues of Western society. For that reason the war intrudes directly and insistently on Western domestic politics. The Madrid bombing of March 11, 2004 and the American Presidential elections in November are cases in point. Both are essentially about the War on Terror. The enemy cannot be named because doing so would overturn the 20th century political and economic foundations to its roots. It would tear down the Big Tent of political correctness; put a prosperity heavily dependent on oil supplies at risk; and replace an entire paradigm of international relations. For that reason naming the enemy will avoided for as long as possible; perhaps even after a mushroom or biological cloud darkens an American city.

On-going de-nihilism as described by Wretchard leads everyone to also forget that WTC I was aimed to topple one tower into the other leading to 100,000+ casualties. But that's too inconvenient to think about of course...
UPDATE: Oh yes, I forgot.  The leftists will point out that they didn't actually pull it off -- implying that they were too stupid to.  But don't worry, that's not racism.  It's really me that's the racist.  UmmmHmmm...