Thursday, October 28, 2004


(How could I possibly resist such an elegantly titled post? ;)

McQ leverages Peters to eviscerate NYeTCBS's Al-Qaqaa. GO. READ. IT.

Never mind the IAEA's admission in their own reports that stuff could be removed via the ventilation shafts, El Baradei's obvious grudge against W for wanting him out for incompetence.

Did I mention part of the incompetence was letting Saddam keep this stuff beyond 1995 when the weapons inspectors first told him to destroy it?

And now you have a clue as to which Presidential candidate the word was born to describe...

UPDATE: More from Cliff May and Hugh (scroll down a ways). A warehouse 25 miles away??? Oh, brother. As Cliff points out you have Kerry's key foreign policy advisor (Holbrooke) admitting that nobody really knows what happened but Kerry is out there with this as his main attack this week. Pitiful...