Thursday, December 09, 2004

Eyeing the MSMemory Hole

Amazingly, Reuters actually carried this story about -- shall we say? -- potential problems in London though I'll bet dollars to donuts they thought hard about totally flushing it. It's down on their equivalent of the back page don't you know. Wouldn't want you to know we're actually at war or anything. Huh? What gap in lower Manhattan? Is there some problem?

And did I mention that we can now safely predict what a ridiculous whitewash the Eye's internal "investigation" of Rathergate will turn out to be? What? Talk to someone who actually knows something during an investigation? The throbbing returns.

And Hailey's comet comes up for air -- not smart enough to understand the thrashing he's been given by the good doc N. Who sums up the whole experience like this.

But of course, a farce must be met with good humor...