Monday, December 06, 2004

Today's Thoughts On Chomskyite Cluelessness Ruthlessness

Has it ever occurred to anyone that if the U.S. were as ruthless as we are accused of being by drooling Chomskyites that there'd be a whole lot more dead folks in Iraq and Afghanistan right now? Surely it can't be argued that we lack the firepower?

And did I forget to mention that there would be at least 6 million more of those world-dominating Jews still around to scheme with us nasty, ruthless Christians and fellow travelers?

And as further calibration, check out this little anecdote about David, my 7 year old:

Ruthlessly literate Dad that I am, I have a bad habit of letting David and Alex (age 6) pick out a reasonably-priced book for themselves on our frequent ruthless hot chocolate and pastry laden excursions to Barnes and Noble.

This time David picked out a book on FDR due to curiousity developed by various conversations we have had about WWII. It didn't take him long to come to Mom and point out that FDR had his picture taken with ruthless old Stalin and he couldn't believe that FDR would sit next to such a bad person.

She pointed out to him that good people often had to try to help bad people -- and upon a little further thought he put that together with my telling him many times that we nearly lost WWII by waiting so long to enter it and we had to ally with some ruthlessly bad people like Stalin to even keep our country given how bad things were.

Now if only Chomsky and his acolytes knew as much as my 7-year-old they'd turn into the pumpkins they ruthlessly deserve to be instead of spewing puerile drivel.

Did I mention that if we were actually ruthless we would have had multiple deep intelligence penetrations of Saddam's inner circle -- as opposed to the zero we had?

Oh -- and did I mention that the CIA still probably hasn't got enough ruthless Arabic speakers to fill a telephone booth?

Where's that ruthlessness again?

UPDATE: Here's a companion piece.