Monday, December 20, 2004

Pulling Democracy From The Constant Memory Hole

... that the MSM is working overtime to maintain on Iraq:
What will you base your vote on?
Political agenda - 65% Factional origin - 14% Party Affiliation - 4% National Background - 12% Other reasons - 5%

Do you support dialog with the deposed Baathists?
Yes - 15% No - 84% Do not know - 1%

Do you support postponing the election?
Yes - 18% No - 80% Do not know - 2%

Do you think the elections will take place as scheduled?
Yes - 83% No - 13% Do not know - 4%
What's that you say? Dan Rathered not to report it? I'm SHOCKED I tell you!

The Victocrats would have you believe these people are too stupid to look for the truth after decades of experiencing one of the most Orwellian societies ever -- not one of them ever sneaking a peek at satellite television from the West.


The real question is whether the Baathists and Jihadists will be broken after killing and jailing another 10-20,000 of them or whether it will take maybe ten times that to do it. Don't forget that there were perhaps millions of Sunnis corrupted with evil in varying degrees by Saddam's commands and threats.

We let it go on way too long folks -- and now there is a steep price to pay.

Today's MSM would have had us surrender to Japan after Pearl Harbor -- and just imagine what they would do with an Operation Tiger!

Can you say Sayonara Normandy?

TIME FOR AN UPDATE ALREADY: Strategy Page has an extension to this little Iraqi/American history lesson:
More likely, there will be more force applied by the new government, at least more than American troops are applying, plus negotiating with the tribal and religious leaders for deals to work out how much oil money, and how many government jobs, the Sunni Arabs will get. Al Qaeda is not interested in this kind of deal, but al Qaeda is widely hated by all Iraqis. It is only tolerated by Sunni Arabs now because al Qaeda suicide bomb attacks are seen as effective weapons. Once the majority of Sunni Arab groups have made their deals, al Qaeda will have no place to hide. If the Sunni Arabs do not settle down, it will get ugly. Americans forget that, at the end of the American Revolution, a third of the population still supported the king. At the end of the revolution, over five percent of the American population, those loyalists who would not tolerate this new democracy, was killed or driven into exile.
There you have it -- the uncomfortable truth.

And did I mention that if Iraq is judged to be an "illegitimate democracy" because only 70-80% of the electorate get to cast their ballots then by that standard the U.S. is also?

Wha-huh? you say?

I have often wondered where in history the self-righteous leftists REALLY think the U.S. turned the corner and became evil. I kept listening to Chomsky-ites imply it was with our victory in WWII -- we became the Nazis as part of the grand plan of (Democrat) FDR and (Democrat) Harry Truman.

But now I realize it all really DID start with the Republicans after all. That's right, I've finally admitted it.

The U.S. actually lost it's legitimacy and became "evil to the core" when that d**ned Republican Lincoln fought to free the slaves and hold the country together at the same time -- for you see in the process the South didn't vote in the election of 1864...

And the Iraqi majority of Shia and Kurds -- and what have they been but slaves? -- are now attempting to free themselves from the brutal repression of the Saddamite Sunnis while aiming still to hold Iraq together in the end. Like Lincoln, they're not showing any signs of letting a "difficult" election get in their way.

How illegitimate of them!!!

An "evil" -- and certainly very, very, very Republican -- Abraham Lincoln just winked I think...