Monday, December 20, 2004

STFU Update

Dale has some choice words for the loony left:
And while we're on the subject of things you drink a big, hot, steaming cup of STFU about, you can spare me the claptrap about how noble the UN is, at least until the UN manages to stop putting dictatorships like Libya in Charge of their Human rights efforts, manages to stop a genocide at least once, or manages to deploy peacekeeping troops without molesting everything--or everyone--that isn't nailed down.

If you still think the Afghan War was about some oil pipeline, and the oil-for-food scandal is just some puffed up attempt by conservatives to discredit the UN, then I'm just not interested in what you have to say. Because, really, you're a crank. I just don't have the time.

And, increasingly, neither does the rest of the electorate.
Did I mention that Stalin's sainted mother Russia actually went backwards in the Freedom House survey this year? But hey, dictatorships of all stripes are every bit as legitimate as democracies -- the left calls it "relativism". I call it horsepucky.