Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Nihilism Is

As nihilism does.

As Michael points out in his piece, the Dhimmi-crat activists are well characterized as exhibiting Stalinist behavior.

Dhimmi-crats would also argue that there is no connection at leading from nihilism (capitalized : the program of a 19th century Russian party advocating revolutionary reform and using terrorism and assassination) to Leninism to Stalinism to maybe 100 million dead or so. Well I suppose you can argue with me all day and wear me down to only 30-50 million -- what was the point of that?

By the way, the word assassination is of either Persian or Arab origin.

And if the Dhimmi-crats don't live on character assassination then how to explain this?

Perfect evidence that they are themselves the victims of the very memory hole they are trying to impose on the rest of us...

But luckily there is no racism at the highest levels of American government.

And at night when he goes home to relax and put on his white pointed cap, he fumes that those brown people in the Middle East are too stupid for Democracy...

UPDATE: A comment on Roger's blog pretty well puts it in perspective:
Byrd filibustered and voted against the Civil Rights Act. If he had his way, not only would Condoleeza Rice not be secretary of state, she would not be allowed to vote.

In 2000, Hillary told a NARAL rally that the Republicans wanted to take away a woman's right to vote. In 2004, John Edwards told a NARAL rally Republicans wanted to take away a woman's right to learn to read. But only Robert K. Byrd stepped up and did anything about it, by gum

Byrd voted against both Thurgood Marshall and Clarence Thomas, votes that made him the only Senator to have opposed the only two black Supreme Court nominees in U.S. history.

Byrd wasn't just a member of the KKK but was a "Kleagle" -- an official recruiter who signed up members for $10 a head. He wasn't just a Klansman, he was a Klan pimp, spreading their poison for pretty pathetic pay.

Byrd wrote the following, three years after he claims to have ended his ties with the KKK: "The Klan is needed today as never before and I am anxious to see its rebirth here in West Virginia" and "in every state in the Union."

Byrd also wrote that he would never fight "with a Negro by my side. Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds."

Where is the Congressional Black Caucus (Democrats all, since they won't admit African-American Republicans) on this? Where is Barack Obama?
Makes me want to wretch at the lunacy of it all...

Did I mention that nihilism IS the Dhimmi-crat party?

UPDATED AGAIN: And did I mention they think of these people as their "friends"?:
DEBKAfile’s intelligence sources expose a uniquely brutal Palestinian atrocity committed and videotaped last Friday, Jan 21, by Fatah-al Aqsa Brigades in the main square of the Balata camp south of Nablus.

Mohammad Mansur, 23, accused of collaborating with Israel, was not shot dead as Palestinians claimed; he was slowly dismembered. Knives and axes were used to chop off his fingers and toes first, then his limbs.

No ambulance permitted to collect his remains, which were thrown into a dumpster. Nablus governor and Fatah leaders issued dire warning against revelation of this horror.
Did I say wretch? That doesn't even begin to describe it...