Thursday, January 27, 2005

"The Party Of Return"

I just heard Krauthammer on Fox News use the phrase "the party of return" to describe a lack of positive agenda and ideology by Saddam's dethroned thugs and their Qaeda "buddies". His point was they are all about going back to the way things were -- that is to the thugs having the power to slaughter, brutalize and starve their former victims.

The obvious question is: just what exactly has changed here?

The obvious answer is: their brutality is no longer covered up. Simple as that. Oh yes, and our military and more and more of the formerly oppressed Iraqi masses get to kill them back.

But then I got to thinking about the Dhimmi-crats -- and their lack of a positive agenda and a longing to return to "the way things were". And their support for thugs in Iraq -- and attempts to keep brutal murderers off of death row here at home -- makes perfect sense.

Doesn't it?