Monday, February 14, 2005


That's my one-word summary of Kurtz' CNN story tonight on bloggers and the downing of Eason Jordan.

Why? That would be because he ends with puffing some sexual scandal out in Maryland supposed to have been spoon fed to gullible bloggers (who? this story wasn't even on the the blogosphere's radar unless it was Kos -- oh, never mind...) by some aide to the (evil) Republican governor. Why again? Oh yeah, because it's the MSM's job to "fact check" the looney bloggers! LOL

Of course, that's actually true if you mean Kos and Atrios. But that's an epic misdirection if you're gullible enough to think that the MSM is going to fact check the leftie blogosphere.

So Kurtz is missing in action and covering up for his boss. Then he writes a vacuous story that doesn't even mention the pattern that Jordan had with his meme.

I was listening to Hugh on my drive home this afternoon when a caller suggested "The blogosphere is to the media what internal affairs is to any law enforcement agency. Nobody likes them, and they are absolutely necessary."

Unfortunately, this "law enforcement agency" is corrupt to the core.

If Kurtz' lousy hit piece is the best the MSM can do then it's time to take the corrupt MSM down. I'm patient...

And did I mention the corrupt absurdity of CNN not reporting on this story until after Jordan had resigned?