Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Craven Cuckoo Commie Commentary

By way of LGF a soldier points out the insanity of the whole Sgrena scenario:
My son, who is home from Baghdad on for two weeks R&R, was mad as hell about the reports that Sgrena claimed US troops intentionally tried to kill her. He told me that his platoon (and, presumably hundreds or thousands of other US troops) spent considerable time searching for her, trying to find and release her. Each time he and his troops stop a car or enter a building they put their lives at risk. They did this — putting themselves at risk — following orders to try to find and rescue her, not to kill her. If US troops were trying to kill her instead of rescue her, it hardly could have been kept a secret, since all hundreds or thousands of troops searching would have to have received similar orders. At the risk of stating the obvious, it would have been pointless to give orders to one roadblock team to shoot her if everyone else had orders to find and rescue her. What nonsense!

The Americans who lend aid and comfort to the people floating these conspiracy theories should not be tolerated when they next claim to “support the troops.”

And never mind her story about picking bullets out of the car's interior -- the exterior of which having no more than a handful of bullet holes at BEST.

Oh. And it was speeding crazily -- but slowly so it wouldn't be shot at passing the checkpoint.

Cuckoo. And then some.

UPDATE: Tinfoil hats for the tinfoil apocalypse...