Sunday, March 06, 2005

Some Brownish Sarcasm

Don't they understand that they are under the thumb of Karl Rove??? This is of course why the libs didn't want to liberate all those stupid brown skinned people in the Middle East -- why they'd be so stupid as to not wash the libs feet!

And just look at this for heaven's sake! The oh so haughty libs are cheering for the nutball mutilating himself with a knife and his buddies . I'm cheering for everyone else you see pictured.

But I'm the ogre and don't you forget it!

And then I have the misfortune to catch some of the Black Summit on CSPAN recently. No Thomas Sowell. No Condi. No Colin. No Thomas. No Walter Williams. No, no, no, no ... grey matter in the room whatsoever!

The libs have enslaved the blacks in this country through a vile and hateful brainwashing campaign. And they fully support what has been done by the oil ticks / Islamofascists to enslave their folks.

Is there any wonder for all the sputtering, hateful expletives hurled at the diverse leadership of Lincoln's party for working to free MORE slaves?

And Bobby "Ku Klux" Byrd is their rotweiler. Why should THAT be a surprise? After all, anyone can be rehabilitated according to the libs.

Just not me, of course...