Sunday, July 30, 2006

Qana Agitprop Vs Israeli Video

"The question is, what were the people doing there? Residents in this region and specifically the residents of Qana were warned several days in advance to leave the village. Now, what could be the most important part of this entire story from Qana... Many people are working to confirm this now, but this video shows Hezbollah terrorists firing rockets from behind a three-story building which looks remarkably similar to the building destroyed in Qana: [ You've got to see this video. (And note carefully my last post of course.) Whether this is the exact building destroyed in the Israeli strike or not, it's more extremely damning evidence of Hezbollah's use of human shields. One must remember that this is a world where terror states like Syria self-righteously sit on the UN Human Rights commission. I just want to puke. HT Power Line -ed. ] "