Friday, August 04, 2006

The Summary Judgement: With Better Graphics This Time

The fact that the moral superiority of the western victors of WWII can today be used as an effective propaganda tool -- and literally a weapon -- against us is really a damning judgement on how little the world has learned since then.

And the supposed "trump card" argument in support of why the west is wrong is that everyone in the rest of the world believes we -- and Israel of course -- are. Even if they're being propagandized by totalitarian leaders of various degree -- who of course would neverfoster an information war to retain their own power. Democracy jujitsu indeed.

The fact that we (small d of course) democrats have given dictators the ability to outvote us in the U.N. is a farce of epic scale.

And somehow -- I can't imagine why -- it's been buried that at the low point of WWII there were only approximately 9 allies! The whole world was against us including German-France, German-Czekoslovakia, German-Hungary, German-Spain, German-Netherlands ... you get the idea. By the standards of today's Fascifists and Gramscian neo-Syndicalists the defeat of Hitler was illegitimate. I'm shocked, just shocked!

The equivalent has been accomplished by today's Islamo-Nazis. And make no mistake. They are truly some of Hitler's totalitarian heirs -- Jerusalem Grand Mufti Haj Mohammed Amin Al-Husseini was Hitler's confidant in the "final solution" as well as his radio propagandist to the Arab world. And did I forget to mention that Haj Amin was one of Arafat's role models?

And the Islamists still want to kill the Jews. I'm sure Hitler is quite literally cheering them on from hell. None of the Arab nations were part of the 9 allies in WWII either...

The precursor to this post is "On Restraining The Police West". The title is a reference to the better graphic than that post had. And look here while you're at it.