Saturday, August 26, 2006

And another...
"The number of ways in which our present situation illuminates the formerly hard-to-understand 1930's seems endless.

What were the bulk of the German people doing during the 1930's? This is an issue which of course bears on their culpability, and on our own moral status, given what we subsequently did to them.

It's a question most histories have been coy about.

It is now clear to me that many if not most of them were doing exactly what many if not most Muslims (as the surveys in the UK and elsewhere show) are doing today: not actively supporting the violence by members of their community, but not opposing it either, and privately deriving great pleasure from the assaults on their neighbors, which they consider justified.

This attitude proved enough to condemn all of the Germans to total military defeat and surrender, in a war the Allies had not sought. I don't see any other likely ultimate outcome for Muslims today. They are playing with fire.