Sunday, August 06, 2006

"Rieff's rebuttal offers not a single instance of a conservative who is urging the administration to invade Iran or Syria, let alone an entire movement of such conservatives. [ Well actually, I'd be for it if I could figure out an angle that it would help stop the coming catastrophe. But I think it would just be a good way to get huge numbers of our troops killed. And I'm a nobody so I don't count in this debate of course ;) Liberals (mostly witlessly) believe in letting things build up until you have a really huge war (all the while deluding themselves that there won't be one; peace, love and understanding with the "noble savages", etc.). Remember Chamberlain and WWII? "Land for peace" and all that deja-vu'ish buncombe?? Conservatives tend to have an unconscious belief in something more akin to trying to relieve the stress of "political plate tectonics" even if that means a (hopefully smaller) war(s) sooner or more often. -ed. ] "