"Regarding Iran, do you agree with the comparisons to the 1930s that we often read about?
[Blair:] When you have the President of a country as powerful as Iran say those things, it may be very foolish of us to assume he doesn't mean them. And when he's also trying to acquire a nuclear weapon, then I think the warning signs are pretty clear... I think for a president of a country to say they want to wipe another country off the face of the earth and at the same time he's trying to acquire a nuclear weapons capability - if we don't get worried about that, future historians will raise a few questions about us and about our judgment."
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Tony Blair would appear to be too rational for the British "fascifists". That's what Orwell called them and he would now be a hero for it if he hadn't since been flushed down his own memory hole by them: