Tuesday, January 30, 2007

On Dangerous German Exports

"It is really impossible to understand the rise of fascism in the world without taking a close look at the single most destructive ideology in modern history. I still remember a close German friend telling me that it was a mistake to imagine that his country's worst export was Hitler. Far from it, he said. That honor was reserved for Karl Marx."

And check out this comment: "Don't imagine that Cohen's description is a caricature. I knew some of these people in England. He's dead-on accurate. Many of them lived their entire lives in thrall to the tawdry apocalyptic visions he recounts. Socialism in the UK has now become an odd sort of zombie relic. Few people subscribe to its core beliefs, or even take them seriously, but it stumbles on primarily as a tribal phenomenon - the ideology is dead but the tribe still needs it to cohere. As Cohen describes so well, its members would be quite literally lost if they were to abandon it, as he was."