Friday, February 02, 2007

Civil War Innumeracy Update

"It seems that the Palestinians have slipped into open civil war, a development that will surprise no one. Instead of attempting to arm one side over the other, as the West has proposed by sending arms to Abbas, the better solution would be to isolate the territories and let them fight it out amongst themselves. None of the factions involved support democracy or peaceful co-existence, and no faction ever will as long as the West keeps supporting terrorists of any stripe.

Maybe at some point the Palestinian people will tire of this civil war and generate leadership interesting in peace. Until then, any mention of a Palestinian cease-fire will continue to evoke nothing but cynical laughter
." [ I note in the AP story in one of my local papers -- I admit I do occasionally buy one for the ads and can't resist looking through one when I do -- that 36 people were killed in Gaza in the previous 5 days. That's over 7 people per day. Scale that to an Iraq-sized population (7 x (25M / 1.3M) = 134.62) and you have an equivalent death toll of 134+ people per day. Hmm. Sounds a lot like what we're told indicates the sky is falling in Iraq... -ed. ]