Saturday, February 10, 2007

Londonistan Part 99236

"The second courageous Muslim to speak out this week is Gina Khan, a Birmingham woman who was so sickened by the response of her fellow Muslims in the city to the ‘soldier kidnap plot’ terror raids that she has used an interview with the Times to deliver a few absolutely crucial home truths (that were totally absent from the Question Time ‘debate’):
Over the past 15 years, she says, there has been an influx of jihadist thinking into her part of Birmingham. Bookshops sell radical literature and the mosques preach separatism and hatred. The Government and the white Establishment have allowed it to happen. And she is outraged about it. ‘It’s all happening on your doorstep,’ she says, ‘and Britain is still blind to the real threat that is embedded here now. I truly believe that all these mosques here are importing jihad. The radical teaching is filtering through, and these mosques are not regulated. They are supporting everything that is wrong about Islam. We within the community knew this. People are lying. They are in denial. They knew they were bringing in radicals. But there are still more English and British people, no matter what, and if they got together and wanted to stamp out this radicalism, they could. I am wasting my time talking to my own people; that is why I am sitting here talking to you, to open your eyes…’

Khan believes that the radicals have co-opted concerns about foreign policy to suit their cause.
When she began to be worried about what the mosques were teaching her children, she decided instead to ask a female student to instruct them at home. Khan picks up the story: ‘She was in the kitchen making the tea and it was after the London bombings. She said, “What do you think about what’s happening in Palestine?” I got angry. I didn’t realise how patriotic I was getting. I turned round and said, “I do not care what is happening in Palestine or Israel. I give a damn about what is happening on my doorstep. I have family in London. Look at what is going to happen because of these few people. Look at the people who have died or had limbs amputated. Where were the Muslims then? Why did not anyone care? Because they were mostly white Christians’. And now they’ve turned the bombers’ graves into shrines! They’re just killers.”’

…I had too much rubbish fed in me that I would be too Westernised. I was told to keep my distance from you because I am a Muslim. It is still really hard to explain to you how you are conditioned. From a young age those thoughts are put in your head: “I am a Muslim. I do not mix with those people”. I would honestly say that we are more racist and more prejudiced than the English.’
What would Ms Khan do to combate such a threat? Ban polygamy, forced teenage marriages and the veil. What do the British do? Produce programmes like Question Time, which present Islamist aggression as victimisation; or refuse to support the defence of western values, as Tory-run Buckinghamshire County Council is doing (to the horror of Wycombe’s Tory MP Paul Goodman) by refusing to fund its school’s defence against the imposition of Saudi-style Islamism upon its school uniform code.

Welcome once again to Londonistan
." [ By the way, I favor not decreased but increased immigration to the U.S. And largely because the few Eurabians that don't want to submit to the knife will need someplace to flee. But even those proportionate few will probably ramp up to millions a year at some point in the next decade when you consider Greater Eurabia is home to 500,000,000... -ed. ]