Saturday, March 17, 2007

But It's Not A "Serious" WMD? Ho Hum...

"Chlorine was the first Chem Weapon used in WWI.

If you think it is not a "real" chemical weapon, then go test it on yourself. After your lungs are scared and unable to process oxigen [sic] you will die. Painfull [sic] death.

If you do not die then you probably will have lung problems the rest of your life and may be blinded by it.Those photos of collumns of blind soldiers marching to the rear from WWI were of chlorine victims..." [ Come to think of it, the plethora of "[sic]" is entirely appropriate for this one -- you will be very, very sic[k]... This story is currently ranging mostly in 3rd to nonexistant place on the MSM with the sole exception of #1 (amazingly) at LAT. It would seem that we're constrained not to give the appropriate response until they have nukes. And even then I've begun to wonder what NYeT will say from the grave. What's that? Why would NYeT be in its grave you ask? You've forgotten AQ's fixation with NYC and DC haven't you? -ed. ]