Monday, May 07, 2007

Warren's Back

"The Church in its nature addresses adults, with counsel. The State in its nature addresses children, with force. It is for adults to regulate children, and not the State to regulate all. The “secularisation” of everything involves, necessarily, the idiotization of the masses, the reduction of human life to the conditions of a kindergarten in which we are told what to do and accept fatuous reasons.

In America (our America; Canada is an American country), we had a population that would not be nannied, for a long time. This was chiefly thanks to pioneering conditions on a new continent, combined with the sort of immigrants we used to get from Old Europe -- the enterprising types, who did things for themselves, and were eager to assimilate.

The continent is now settled. The proportion of our income that is taxed has gone from negligible to nearly half. In addition to the many enterprising immigrants -- and from all over -- a significant number are attracted chiefly by the welfare provisions of our Nanny State, demand support by right, and often refuse assimilation. Moral relativism and "multiculturalism" are established as public doctrines. The conditions have changed, and we have changed: "evolving" towards dissolution.

And we can’t go back, in time, only forward. But would that we could choose our way forward, rather than having it chosen for us, by the fate that awaits any society whose members are unwilling and unable to act for their own good, or the common good."