Wednesday, July 18, 2007

The Mickey Mouse Meme

Bergner's remarks about the fraudulence of the "Islamic State of
Iraq" -- that it it is simply an al-Qaeda front -- and about the fictive
nature of Abu Omar al-Baghdadi are the first direct indication that MNF is not
only learning how to play the meme game but that their operations are already having a powerful effect. Zawahiri's worry about the Islamic State of Iraq's legitimacy may be the effect of MNF counternarrative operations or perhaps reason they are harping on it. Bergner's revelations hammer directly upon the weakest point of al-Qaeda's narrative: it's
legitimacy and standing not only in political, but religious terms.

Bergner is simply -- and very effectively -- paying
them back in their own coin. Now the "Idolatrous Guard" is having a
chuckle over the "fake" Abu Omar al-Baghdadi, as AQI's feared leader turns out to be no more genuine than Mickey Mouse.