Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Phony Is As Phony Does

clipped from powerlineblog.com

But it's not as if these fairly recent developments have eroded Edwards' support. He's been pushing his two-Americas theme essentially non-stop since 2003 and has never gained any real traction. This is probably because Edwards is so tranparently phony, a reality that was apparent long before the mansion went up and the haircuts were exposed.

Indeed, it's amazing that anyone ever took seriously Edwards' attempt to own this issue. Barack Obama worked as a community organizer in low-income neighborhoods in Chicago before he entered politics. Hillary Clinton was strongly associated with liberal anti-poverty causes for years before she entered politics. John Edwards can point to no pre-political credentials on the anti-poverty issue nor, so far as I know, to any distinctive efforts in this area as a legislator. His credentials consist of speeches and photo opportunities undertaken in conjunction with his presidential campaigns.