Monday, February 11, 2008

The Real Issue

Archbishop Williams makes an easy target for the country’s anxieties over failed Muslim assimilation. No-one’s afraid of retaliation from this gentle patriarch. Yet the same government officials who rebuke Williams and argue that Sharia law contradicts British values say nothing about Britain’s recent decision to grant welfare benefits to spouses in foreign polygamous marriages. It’s one thing to decry Williams’s remarks on Sharia, and quite another to openly oppose polygamy and cousin marriage.
While Woolas has raised the question of birth defects, the most serious concern is that cousin marriage blocks assimilation. (I show how in "Assimilation Studies" and "Assimilation Studies, Part II.") That is why cousin marriage poses a genuine threat to Britain’s survival as a nation. The most spectacular example is today’s report that surveillance planes in Afghanistan have picked up the voices of Taliban fighters speaking in, for example, Bradford accents.