Sunday, April 06, 2008

The "Mistake"

Current Democratic Party dogma holds that international trade is bad; or, at least, imports are bad. I guess they want other countries to agree to exports-only trade agreements. Before long, the only country the liberals will want us to trade with is Cuba.

At the moment, what is on the table is a trade agreement with Colombia, our best South American ally. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are both carrying on like bulls in a china shop, upsetting our relationship with Colombia by urging that the pact be voted down. Hence the latest shakeup in Clinton's campaign: her chief strategist, Mark Penn, runs a PR firm called Burson-Marsteller, and Colombia has been one of the firm's clients. Penn made the "mistake" of meeting with Colombia's ambassador in connection with that representation. Penn's meeting came to light, and Hillary has now fired Penn from her campaign.