Thursday, May 29, 2008

The Comrade Messiah. Seriously.

clipped from

Wouldn’t you know it, not only is Obama surprised to find his friend of 20 years spouting the sort of rhetoric for which he’s famous in Chicago for spouting, but Pfleger himself sounds surprised. Amazing how much he and his circle of confidants managed to miss about their own behavior over the past few, er, decades.

Jeez, what kind of cloud does Obama live on? He thinks Afghanis speak Arabic, hasn’t had any hearings on Afghanistan while he’s the chair of the commitee, thinks a couple of Ag advisors can stop people in Afghanistan from growing poppies, doesn’t realize the church he’s belonged to for 20 years is racist and scary, doesn’t notice that the Reverends he’s listened to, even quoted, are racist demagogues, thinks there are 57 states, and thinks that most Americans like to eat arugula. What is up with this dude? Seriously.

That Nicorette gum must be fabulous stuff. Maybe I need to get me some...