Tuesday, June 17, 2008

It Does

clipped from online.wsj.com

However it turns out for John McCain this fall -- and so far he's running his general election campaign the way Gen. Ricardo Sanchez ran counterinsurgency ops -- the Arizona Republican is sure to carry at least one battleground state by a landslide. That state is called Iraq.

But I did sit down last week with four key provincial Iraqi leaders, Sunnis and
Shiites, who -- without actually endorsing Mr. McCain -- made their views
abundantly clear.

The Iraqis are even more incredulous about Mr. Obama's willingness to negotiate with Iran, which they see as a predatory regime. "Do you Americans forget what the Iranians did to your embassy?" asks the governor. "Don't you know that Ahmadinejad was one of [the hostage takers]?"

did not stop fingering their prayer beads, as if their future hinges on their
ability to make their case to the American public. They're right: It does. Which
is why Iraq, all but alone among the nations, will be praying for a McCain
victory on the first Tuesday in November