Friday, June 20, 2008

M Obama -- Persecuted Rocket Scientist

James Taranto observes, "The Tuskegee outrage was real. But the notion that the Tuskegee experiment—which began in the Jim Crow era (1932) and ended in 1972, eight years after the Civil Rights Act became law—reflects the attitudes of American governmental and medical institutions today is an urban legend, a superstition—and potentially a deadly one.

There is some controversy about the HPV vaccine, as some question whether it ought to be government policy to vaccinate all preteen girls for a sexually-transmitted disease. Nonetheless, if this characterization is accurate, Obama canceled a vaccination program not out of a concern about parental consent or encouraging promiscuity, but out of a supremely farfetched fear that white doctors at her own hospital had some secret, sinister motive for offering the vaccine to African-American girls.