Saturday, June 14, 2008

On Eurabian Voting "Rights"

clipped from
IRISH VOTERS GETTING SUPPORT ELSEWHERE IN EUROPE: "Political leaders across Europe were shaking their heads in frustration this weekend at the Irish voters' veto of the latest European Union treaty. But many of their citizens weren't. Ordinary Spaniards, Dutch, French and Britons, who wish they could get the same chance, might also say 'no' to the cold, distant heart of Europe." Which is why they won't be given the same chance . . . . "Many Europeans say this is exactly the problem with democracy Brussels-style, where European Commission members are not directly elected but wield continental powers. 'We're told we can vote no, that the system requires unanimity. But when (a `no' vote) actually happens, every time, the EU tells us: You really only have a right to vote yes,' said Dublin travel agent Paul Brady, who voted against the treaty."
A lot like Canadian "free speech" rights...